Michael Heathman, M.S.

Group Leader PKPD, Senior Principal Scientist I

Michael brings over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry.  Prior to joining Metrum Research Group in 2018, he was Head of Global Pharmacometrics at Eli Lilly and Company, where he led efforts to apply PK/PD modeling and simulation to all phases of drug development.  He has extensive experience in the application of pharmacometrics to support quantitative decision making across a broad range of disease states and therapeutic areas.

Recent publications by this scientist

Oral progesterone-mediated attenuation of ibutilide-induced qt interval lengthening in premenopausal and postmenopausal women: population pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic model.

April 3, 2024

Presented at ASCPT Annual Meeting 2024. Our model adequately characterized ibutilide PK and its QT interval lengthening effect. The higher Emax suggests more ibutilide induced QT lengthening in premenopausal women. The difference of Emax between group A and B reflects potential progesterone effect.

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A pharmacokinetic and enzyme turnover model predicts major roles for cyp2b6 genotypes on the magnitude of efavirez autoinduction of metabolism and clearance in healthy volunteers.

April 3, 2024

Presented at ASCPT Annual Meeting 2024. A population PK and turnover models were developed and show that the extent of efavirenz autoinduction and clearance is dependent on CYP2B6 genotype.

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An Introduction to R Programming Language

April 3, 2024

Presented by Dr. Sam Callisto and Michael Heathman at the CTSI Disease and Therapeutic Response Modeling Symposium, February 2024.
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